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Side A: + 8620 34810888 / SideB: + 8620 39999111
Address: guangzhou panyu district city bridge street Yu mountain road no. 228
Index > fun > Ginza volume KTV
Ginza volume KTV
2016-03-03 16:10:10


      Ginza volume KTV is one of the largest KTV, guangzhou area has more than 200 K room, a variety of specifications, the room is suitable for a variety of carnival party. Has a capacity of 5-8 individual small, delicate and warm appreciation, roommates, a few people can play hard, enjoy happiness; And can accommodate 10 to 30 people zhong, family day or department party, very suitable for; Also K room with accommodate 40-80 people, who would like to ask you about who, for such a big K room, have you ever seen! Hall is bigger than home! All the family or the entire company here plug. If have a reunion, the whole class to, also can call to work here, director of the class!

      Ginza KTV the introduction of the world’s top brand of LAX speaker volume sales (the queen’s speaker equipment), sound shaking; Also introduced the present most advanced point song system, using a mobile phone can classics, need not with microphones the dispute and so on the controller. Using a mobile phone on the jukebox system screen scan qr code, download jukebox software, can be crazy some favorite songs, and sing! With free wifi (the store, don’t have to worry about downloading traffic problem). Ginza KTV volume sales to provide you with an elegant environment, service quality, sunshine fashion consumption environment, let you easily experience the feeling of singer!

      All the foreign wine, beer by manufacturer provides straightly, direct rebates and sponsored by manufacturer, the manufacturer, the store let consumers benefit. Here can also according to customer demand for various K room decorate, proposed is a great place for the party, birthday party.

Suitable for families, departments, propose, birthday party party
Business hours:pm18:00-am2:00
Ginza volume KTV: + 8620 34811333/34802333